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Why the Upfronts Are So Yesterday


The internet fostered the ability to make changes on a continual basis, 那么,为什么全国广播广告仍然是预先交易的(与1962年开始的形式相同)?, 这需要每年的金钱和受众覆盖的承诺,提前购买和销售广告?

“虽然一些营销人员继续提前购买部分电视广告库存, 今天明显不同的是,许多品牌在CTV上投入的广告投资与线性电视一样多,” states The Trade Desk in a report based on a survey conducted in December 2022. “Since 2019, upfront linear TV spend has remained relatively stagnant (up 0.eMarketer的数据显示,CTV的前期支出增长了195%.”

If viewers are watching what is being called premium CTV inventory at scale, and they alter their viewing behavior continually throughout the year, 电视网络不应该以一种反映这一点的方式销售库存吗? 如果我们能做到及时包装,以确保我们能够插入任何广告是出售程序化或以其他方式为SSAI插入, shouldn’t we start to be nimbler about capturing ad value?

根据报告, “During a 2023 Variety panel at CES, President of Paramount Advertising John Halley noted, ‘The upfront has evolved significantly, particularly over the last 10 years. 数字货币过去从未进行过前期交易,现在几乎有一半的资金都是通过数字货币进行的. 我们在一个稀缺的市场中处理产品——期货在这种市场中非常重要.’ ”

Let’s go a few steps further. Why shouldn’t this marketplace be more dynamic? 如果流媒体公司不能从他们最好的库存中获得最高的收益,他们将如何盈利? And if that inventory becomes more valuable as the year progresses, why shouldn’t they be able to increase prices? 我们当地的超市去年几乎所有的东西都涨价了好几次, and yet I keep buying food.

根据报告, 69%的受访者希望通过可竞价渠道或通过现场拍卖进行实时竞价. “当你问营销人员他们希望如何分配2023年的前期支出时, 平均28%的受访者将直接向发行商购买游戏, 另外72%的支出预计将通过程序化保证(PG)交易购买(28%)。, private marketplace (PMP) deals (23 percent), or open marketplace bidding via a demand side platform/ ad network (21 percent),报告说。.

数字环境提供了数据,这些数据不仅非常有价值,而且非常专有. 代理商和品牌想知道数据价值如何融入到他们的整个广告购买中. “我认为数据对整个行业的每个品牌都将变得更加重要, 机构, 内容提供商, publishers like ourselves, 和经销商. 原因是随着不同的数据法规变得更加严格和规范, you really need to own that,Lynette Kaylor说, SVP and head of North American sales at fubo. 否则,你就没有遵守隐私要求,这是另一个大问题.

“We have great viewership data, and I know that everyone wants to be in front of Monday Night Football. 他们喜欢这些观众. 这是一群参与其中的观众,而这些观众不只是看《百家乐app下载》. They watch a lot of other things,” says Kaylor. “You can follow this audience along, and I see that as beneficial to us, as it’s another revenue stream, 但这对广告商来说是有益的,因为他们站在了合适的人群面前.”

fubo viewers are a very valuable segment. They aren’t even a look-a-like audience; they are actual registered viewers who can be tracked via a clean room where some brands may even be able to see if the anonymous consumer who saw a car ad also bought that car (or another product where the brand has first-party data).

富博将自己定位为在高端库存方面非常灵活,因为它不是由更大的媒体公司拥有的. “You can come to us and say, ‘嘿, 我有这个预算, but I want to run it through my agency PMP,’”凯勒说. The brand can also buy through PG or via a direct sale. “We’re really open to anything,” she notes.

无论如何购买库存,前提是库存价值不是静态的. If X number of viewers see an ad, Y人在看到广告后实际上买了东西,同时被以隐私安全的方式跟踪, your inventory has become much more effective and efficient.

因为前瞻是一个旧的范例,它们不再反映媒体环境了. 现在, 我们把有价值的商品卖给了品牌——非常精确的目标定位和对进入那个市场的理解不仅仅是溢价, but the going rate an advertiser will buy. The old way of doing things, which is somewhat determined by pricing up front, will leave profits on the table. After all, streaming services can use all of the revenue they can get.

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

The State of CTV Advertising

广告购买正在改变. 例如, 现在,你可以从一家对当地观看数据有深入了解的机构那里购买, 或者你可以去找电视制造商,他们对其硬件上的所有观看情况都有深入的了解.

The Argument for Addressable Advertising

对于本专栏, I spoke with Larry Allen, VP and general manager of data and addressable enablement at Comcast Advertising, 关于一个决定性的问题:“什么是可寻址广告?“可寻址”一词指的是针对数字和广播库存,并能够在家庭层面上购买受众群体.

Revry首席营销官LaShawn McGhee谈论全球AVOD,分析,内容管理和包容性

作为一个流媒体网络的首席营销官,在全球媒体和娱乐世界中占据着独特的地位,管理着不断扩大的广告支持渠道和高知名度的品牌合作伙伴名单,这是一种什么样的感觉? To find out what that role entails, what drives the tech stack that keeps such a network humming, 以及Revry如何发展, 来源, 许可证, and curates its diverse content offerings, I spoke with LaShawn McGhee, Revry's CPO and one of the company's four co-founders.

Measuring What’s Possible—Is This a Real Problem?

现在 that ad dollars are moving from broadcast to digital via CTV buys, 也许我们需要接受数字和广播的测量标准总是不同的这一事实.

The Top 5 Problems with Streaming Advertising

At 流媒体 West last November, I moderated a panel on how to keep advertising workflow flowing. 讨论产生了许多关于流媒体广告现状的有价值的见解, 其中包括我们今天在OTT领域面临的最大挑战的5个关键要点.

The New Advertising-Industrial Complex

Strategically, streaming delivery needs more advertisers. Advertising is a necessary part of the media business model, 但由于不够灵活,无法吸引更多的广告,也无法像有线电视和广播电视那样销售数字电视, digital services are shooting themselves in the foot.

The Ad Tech Industry Needs to Tell a Better Story

Ad tech is driving billions of dollars in revenue every year. 那么为什么人们不能理解它是什么,它是如何工作的,为什么他们应该关心它呢?

Does Ad-Supported Streaming Actually Cost You 更多的?

大约三分之一的基于广告的流媒体服务用户点击并随后购买商品, according to Parks Associates. So maybe subscription is cheaper in the long run?

OTT Ad Tech's Biggest Challenges (and a Few Solutions)

OTT advertising technology is at a crossroads, as brands work to build relationships with consumers without alienating them. Here's a look at some of biggest questions facing the ad tech industry, along with some possible answers.