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数字视频广告可以做到标准电视广告做梦也想不到的事情, 比如为每个联网家庭提供个性化的可寻址广告. 视频广告还可以针对不同设备的观众, 无缝地融入视频流, 并获得比传统广告更高的cpm. One day all video ads will use these technologies, but for the moment they’re cutting edge. 点击这里阅读视频广告的最新消息和分析.

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新闻 broadcasting is one of the most exciting and quickly growing areas for FAST development, 最近,BBC/AMC 24小时直播的FAST新闻频道宣布开播. 其他传统媒体新闻广播公司, 比如斯克里普斯, 辛克莱, 赫斯特, 和《百家乐app下载》, 也进入了FAST新闻领域, 他们中的许多人都专注于本地内容. 快速新闻的当前趋势和挑战是什么? 在本文中,几位领先的行业评论员提供了见解.


流媒体货币化的未来会是什么样子? 后高峰时代的电视媒体生态系统是一个美丽的新世界, 并且能够找到你想要的内容, 以你想付出的代价, 会让消费者在未来几年保持警惕吗.


直播内容以体育为主导, and fan appetite—much like bidding for rights—shows no sign of slowing down as the calendar turns to 2024.

欢迎来到FAST Times

2023 got everyone on the same page: FAST should be part of the me­dia mix whether you are a content provider, 一个电视台, 或者一个分销平台.

Q&答:Adtaxi的莫里·沃诺夫说,流媒体电视的水平已经超过了美国市场的80%.S. 2024年的成年人

Adtaxi的一份新报告, 美国发展最快的数字营销机构之一, has revealed that more Americans than ever are now defaulting to streaming as their primary viewing content source. 聪聪Woronoff, 代理总监-市场研究和消费者洞察在Adtaxi, spoke with 流媒体's Tyler Nesler about many specific aspects of the report and what the findings reveal about the current state of streaming as the industry continues to evolve rapidly.


Nothing makes recommendation engines—and every other means of profit-making leverage—go, go, 喜欢各种各样的数据. Metadata in particular is the key to personalizing viewer experiences and optimizing content portfolios. AI plays an ever-greater role in enhancing the metadata quality and improving recommendations. 分析师们关注的是M&E industry and insiders at major media companies playing critical strategic roles agree, data is also essential to understanding customer journeys and making informed decisions on how to reach and retain subscribers and, 在广告支持方面, 向受众传递正确的广告,向品牌传递正确的受众.


Rising fundamental costs morph into rising platform costs for content owners and consumers


读者已经说过! 在这里,我们将介绍2023年北美顶级技术解决方案, 由流媒体读者选出.

Q&答:Caffeine首席执行官Ben Keighran谈论以粉丝为中心的利基体育广播

咖啡因是一个资金充足的, 更新的直播平台,以粉丝为中心, 适合互动观看的内容. 目前,该平台的用户已超过4000万, 其内容主要由长尾和地方体育节目组成. 自2016年以来已融资2.62亿美元, 咖啡因正在成为“你在其他地方找不到的运动”的目的地.这个Q&A with Caffeine CEO Ben Keighran explores Caffeine's unique approach to niche sports streaming and monetization model.


The 流媒体 100 is back—welcome once again to 流媒体's annual list that foregrounds the industry's most innovative and influential technology suppliers, 服务提供商, 平台, 以及媒体和内容公司, 正如我们的编辑团队所赞誉的那样. 其中一些是大型和成熟的行业标准承担者, while others are comparably small and relatively new arrivals that are just beginning to make a splash. All set themselves apart from the crowd with their innovative approach and their contribution to the expansion and maturation of the streaming media universe.


Incorporating generative AI into our workflows has the potential to impact almost everything in media technologies, 我将在本文中研究几种可能性.

Leading Independent Channels Join Forces to Form the Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA)

十大领先的独立流媒体平台, 包括Revry, Vevo, Tastemade, 值得信赖的媒体品牌, recently joined forces to create the Independent Streaming Alliance (ISA) to promote the value of independent streaming channels, 为广告行业提供受众的深入研究, 制定独立流媒体推广和发展的最佳实践, 并设法与中央电视台的主要成员合作.

Revry CPO LaShawn McGhee Talks Global AVOD, Analytics, Content Curation, and Inclusivity

What's it like being CPO at a streaming network that's carving out a unique position in the global media and entertainment universe and managing an expanding array of ad-supported channels and a high-visibility roster of brand partners? 去了解这个角色需要什么, 是什么推动了技术堆栈,使这样一个网络嗡嗡作响, 以及Revry如何发展, 来源, 许可证, 并策划其多样化的内容产品, 我采访了拉肖恩·麦吉, 他是Revry的首席投资官,也是公司的四位联合创始人之一.

Scripps Networks’ Senior Director of Product Yazmin Wickham Talks Viewer-Centered OTT UX Design

Recently I caught up with Scripps Networks Senior Director of Product Yazmin Wickham to get a better sense of the role a Director of Product plays in developing and managing UX at a diversified media company in the OTT and CTV universe. 我了解了斯克里普斯是如何处理观众体验的, 在AVOD和SVOD模型中, and attempts to deliver as consistent an experience as possible across a wide array of platform, and the challenges and advantages of maintaining a unified (or nearly unified) text stack across the board.

服务器端与. 客户端广告插入:你站在哪一边?

There are two broad categories of CTV ad insertion: Server-side (SSAI) and Content-side. 我们有SSAI vs. CSAI之前多次辩论, 近年来,SSAI经常名列前茅, but the uptick in FAST viewing is changing the conversation for many stakeholders in the current media landscape. 如今,有效的广告投放远非一劳永逸的命题.

Big Tech's Dirty Underbelly: Sharethrough's Frank Maguire Discusses Innovative New Approaches to Greener Streaming

Big Tech giants like Meta, Amazon, and Google have committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. 但这一目标的可行性如何,以及用于实现这一目标的资金真正流向何处? Frank Maguire of Sharethrough discusses how Big Tech's digital ad deliveries contribute heavily to CO2 emissions and what these companies can do to lessen that impact and achieve their green commitments.


Free ad-supported television (FAST) has been a rapidly rising element of the streaming industry since the beginning of the pandemic. This article covers the best practices for launching a FAST channel and how to handle the challenges faced, including insights from key industry leaders such as Jonathon Barbato of Best Ever Channels, 来自kweliTV的德舒娜·斯宾塞, 和Revry的Paul Kontonis.

Streamticker:最大的流媒体合并 & 2022年的收购

看看2022年流媒体行业最引人注目的并购, from WarnerBros-Discovery to Microsoft/Activision to Limelight/Edgecast to Dolby/Millicast to Telestream/Encoding.Com和更多


Netflix may have pioneered online pay TV on-demand with a model that every other SVOD chased. 从2022年4月开始,包括Netflix在内的所有参与者都需要一个支点.


Streaming media business and monetization models expanded and diversified in 2022 and sent a clear message: Paid subscription models were a necessary gateway to widespread streaming adoption, 但现在,广告支持的观看有机会蓬勃发展.